The Journal of Bucharest College of Physicians and the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences

Multidisciplinary Healthcare Strategies in Pre-labor Uterine Rupture after Minimal Invasive Procedures


Uterine rupture is a significant maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality factor. It is defined as the complete cleaving of the three uterine layers. The pregnancy distention leads to alteration of the uterine wall fibers, especially in the low resistance points like surgical scars. World Health Organization realized an extensive systematic review to determine the prevalence of uterine rupture. A lower prevalence was seen in developed countries and higher rates for least developed countries. The incidence of uterine rupture in women with caesarean section is estimated to be 1% and without caesarean section is as low as 0.006%. Although the uterine scar is the main feature of uterine rupture, other contributing influences on untoward outcomes must be promptly recognized. The aim of this paper was to assess the frequency of uterine ruptures in a tertiary referral center, to identify risk factors and symptoms for complete and partial uterine rupture before labor, common symptoms of uterine rupture, multidisciplinary approach, and emergency surgical management.