The Journal of Bucharest College of Physicians and the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences

Vasile Lungu

Vasile Lungu

Gordon`s Patch in the Liver Sampling

The study of anastomoses in liver transplantation represents a complex and special subject considering the fact that a variability of methods have been described since the first liver transplant in 1963, made by Thomas Starzl. În liver transplantation, graft implantation includes 4 anastomoses: cavo-cava, portal, arterial and biliary. The Gordon patch represents the plasty performed between the aortic patch of the celiac trunk and the aortic patch of the superior mesenteric artery. It only applies to anatomical variants of the hepatic artery, namely when the common hepatic artery arises from the celiac trunk and the right hepatic artery arises from superior mesenteric artery.
The present article describes the aspect of the surgical techniques through the experience at the Digestive Diseases and Liver Transplantation Center, Fundeni Clinical Institute, Bucharest, Romania.

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Aortic Perfusion only in Liver Sampling

In the 1990s a sampling team from the Surgery Department of Saint Luc Clinic in Louvain Brussels, published a study showing that single aortic infusion is as safe as classic, standard infusion (aortic and portal) but the attempt was not fully accepted. Also, some recent studies recommend the safe use of single aortic infusions in the case of multiple organ sampling from the brain-dead donor. In order to test the effectiveness of this method we made a retrospective study between 2017 and 2019 at the Center for General Surgery and Liver Transplantation of the Fundeni Clinical Institute, Bucharest, Romania. First of all, we performed a comparative analysis between the single aortic sampling group and the group in which we used the standard sampling. We also analyzed the impact of singular aortic sampling on cases with anatomical arterial variants.

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