The Journal of Bucharest College of Physicians and the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences

Teodor Cristian Blidaru

Teodor Cristian Blidaru

The Effect of Lockdown on the Mental and Physical Health of Romanian Medical Undergraduates

As a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, medical universities were closed in Romania, between March 2020 and July 2020. The educational process was transferred to an on-line environment, in person contact becoming nonexistent outside the group of people from one’s household. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the mental health status in medical undergraduates in Romania during lockdown. A questionnaire was used in April 2020 to collect information regarding the life of students during social isolations and to assess the mental health of students using a self-reported 1-7 scale on 21 relevant endpoints. After data quality control, the remaining 1978 data entries were analysed in SPSS 20. We identified multiple factors that may contribute to the mental health of undergraduate students, such as: partner status and offline contact, personality traits, social media and streaming platforms usage. There were differences regarding the mental health status indicated by endpoints between: genders, living environment, owning a pet, etc. This study describes how mental health, a neglected subject in the Romanian public health arena, is influenced by various factors during lockdowns. Further research should be conducted and appropriate measures should be taken to prevent the degradation of mental health in medical students under pandemic circumstances.

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Main Concerns in the Romanian Medical System – a Doctors Perspective Over the Last 3 Years

All medical societies struggle with different problems. While in developed countries, the main complaint of the doctors is related to overwork due to insufficient personnel, the Romania doctors have many other reasons for being dissatisfied with the activities they perform. The aim of this article is to compare how the doctors’ problems have evolved over the last 3 years, which problems have been solved and which still need to be confronted. In order to do this, an analysis of 2 set of surveys will be performed, one conducted in 2016 by the Multidisciplinary Society of Medical Residents (SMMR) and one conducted in 2019 by the Romanian Federation of Medical Students’ Associations. Both societies – one of the medical residents, the other representing the medical students, have shown a great interest in revealing the problems of the Romanian medical health care system, which has a great impact both on patients as well as medical personnel dynamics.

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