The Journal of Bucharest College of Physicians and the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences

Octavian Munteanu

Octavian Munteanu

Ultrasound in Obstetrical and Gynecologic Emergencies

In Bucharest University Emergency Hospital every day we deal with difficult cases either presented per primam in our setting or, even more difficult situations, cases that were intended to be treated in other hospitals but due to lack of infrastructure are sent towards our multidisciplinary hospital, as a final stop. Conditions that our teams have to deal in a very restricted amount of time in the Emergency Room are: submucous myoma with heavy bleeding acquired uterine arteriovenous fistulae, ovarian ruptured cyst , ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, adnexal torsion, tuboovarian abscess, classical tubal ectopic pregnancy, Cesarean scar ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy, incomplete abortion, ruptured uterus post minimally invasive procedures performed before pregnancy, placental abruption, placenta praevia with heavy bleeding, and the PAS – Placenta Accreta Spectrum. All these conditions recquire a rapid differential diagnosis where ultrasonography is useful in adopting a tailored management either conservative or radical, in avoidance of haemorhagic accidents or even death and, when needed, in fertility sparing.

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Correlation Between Early Diagnosis of Ovarian Neoplasm and Long-Term Prognosis

Ovarian cancer is the seventh most commonly diagnosed cancer in women, with the highest mortality rate among female genital cancers. Due to the nonspecific symptoms and the lack of effective screening strategies, ovarian cancer is often diagnosed in an advanced stage of the disease, with a 5-year survival rate of 25%. The efforts of specialists are aimed at identifying screening methods, with the lowest possible rates of false positive or false negative results in order to diagnose the disease at an early stage, when the 5-year survival rate is 92%. In this study we analyzed the incidence of ovarian cancer in the last five years in the Bucharest University Emergency Hospital, being registered 153 cases of ovarian cancer. The aim of this paper is to analyze the correlation between the early diagnosis of ovarian cancer and the long-term prognosis.

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Obstetrical and Neonatal Outcome of Pregnancies Complicated with SARS-CoV-2 Infection

COVID-19 pandemic had an impact without precedent. Pregnant women are part of the vulnerable population and the extent of SARS-CoV-2 infection consequences on obstetrical and neonatal outcome are still studied. It’s been speculated, based on what is known about other pathogenic viruses, SARS-CoV-2 virus can interfere with placental defense mechanisms and increase the miscarriage and preterm birth rate. Often, pregnant women infected with SARS-CoV-2 virus develop mild pneumonia. Severe pneumonia occurs very rarely and is statistically significant related to neonatal death. Our study has been conducted in a multidisciplinary hospital unit and included 184 pregnant women with SARS-COV-2 infection who gave birth in our hospital, diagnosed through polymerase chain reaction. There have been analyzed data regarding the maternal symptomatology, the gestational age, the method of giving birth, complications that have occurred during birth, the newborns weight and neonatal outcome through Apgar score. There have been three cases of severe infection with maternal death and one case with neonatal death.
Overall, 20% of patients had mild symptomatology, 2% had severe form and the rest of the patients were asymptomatic. We found a high rate of preterm birth and intrauterine growth restriction and an increase incidence of acute fetal distress followed by caesarean section. SARS-CoV-2 virus affects both the mother and the fetus as a whole and, subsequently, individually. Our results show the adverse obstetrical and neonatal outcome in peripartum period complicated with SARS-CoV-2 infection even in asymptomatic and mild-symptomatic cases.

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