The Journal of Bucharest College of Physicians and the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences

Ioana Marina Grintescu

Ioana Marina Grintescu

Iron and Erythropoiesis – Optimizing the Link

Purpose of review: The aim of this paper is to provide the clinician an overview about the link between iron homeostasis and erythropoiesis and how we can promote this relationship in order to improve surgical patients’ outcome. Key elements: Iron is essential for various cellular processes, like cell signalling, oxygen transport, erythrocyte and heme synthesis, mitochondrial respiration, host defence, nucleic acid replication. Erythropoietin and iron are the main erythropoiesis regulators. Under iron-restricted conditions, the erythrocytes production is impaired, leading to microcytic hypochromic anemia appearance. Iron-restricted condition enables patient capacity to recover from post-surgery anemia. Long-term consequences of chronic anemia affect patient’s quality of life. Therefore, parenteral iron supplementation, in patients with anemia secondary to blood loss, can lead to a fivefold increase in erythropoietic response, therefore enhancing recovery. Summary: Under normal circumstances, the link between iron and erythropoiesis is maintained especially through regulatory feedback mechanisms, with minimal external support. In face of important blood loss, with secondary acquired iron-restricted anemia, parenteral iron supplementation improves the bone marrow erythroid response and helps correcting haemoglobin levels.

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Life-threatening Consequence of a Psychiatric Behavior

Introduction: The prevalence of hypokalemia in psychiatric population is very high with eating disorders and laxative abuse being the main incriminated factors. Case presentation: We report a case of a 34-year-old woman with history of sleeve gastrectomy and breast implant, who presented for fatigue, severe myalgia, generalized hypotonia and palpitations. Laboratory exams revealed severe hypokalemia and rhabdomyolysis. The electrocardiography showed prolonged QT interval and ST segment depression with second-degree atrioventricular block. She received intravenous potassium supplementation with consecutive hydration. When potassium level was within safety limits, the patients received loop diuretics in order to decrease rhabdomyolysis and avoid kidney injury. The underlying cause was a pathological behavior, with frequent self-provoked episodes of nausea and vomiting after eating and chronic consumption of laxatives. She started psychotherapy. Conclusion: Psychiatric behaviour can lead to life-threatening conditions, therefore it should be discovered and managed promptly.

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The importance of high flow nasal cannula (HFNC) oxygen therapy

High flow nasal cannula (HFNC) oxygen therapy devices are used on a daily-basis in many intensive care units and postoperative wards. Such a device deliver a mixture of air and oxygen, warmed, humidifi ed, with gas flow between 20-60 L/min, and inspired oxygen fraction between 0.21-1. Therefore, it improves oxygenation, decreases dead space, washes out the carbon dioxide (CO2) from patients’ airways, improves thoraco-abdominal synchrony and decreases the work of breathing. Studies have shown effi cacy of HFNC oxygen therapy use for acute hypoxemic respiratory failure, for patients with exacerbations of chronic pulmonary diseases, after extubation in order reduce the need for mechanical ventilation, in perioperative period to prevent atelectasis and in palliative care, in order to reduce breathlessness. It isn`t feasible for patients with severe altered neurological status, facial trauma, basal skull fracture, complete airway obstruction or epistaxis. There are no standardized recommendation for the use or contraindication of HFCN oxygen therapy. The weaning is realised according with patients’ tolerance, oxygen saturation, respiratory and heart rates.

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The Labyrinth Behind an Acute Respiratory Failure

Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure may have different causes. Case presentation: We present the case of a 42-year-old woman, with history of recent thyroidectomy and a late history of sleeve gastrectomy, who presented for acute dyspnoea. The chest X-ray revealed hydropneumothorax, and, therefore, an intercostals chest tube drainage was inserted. The evolution was unfavourable, with further respiratory status deterioration. A computed tomography of the thorax and abdomen was performed, that revealed a dilated thoracic oesophagus and stenosis of the esophagogastric junction, with lack of substance in the oesophageal wall and extravasation of oesophageal content in the posterior mediastinum, due to an oesophageal pleural fi stula. An oesophageal stent was inserted under endoscopic guidance and the patient underwent minim-invasive surgical interventions for evacuation of the mediastinal and pleural collections, with a favourable evolution. Conclusions: Acute respiratory failure can be the face of multiple conditions, some of these can be life threatening and in need for rapid detection and treatment.

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Posttraumatic Renal Artery Thrombosis

Posttraumatic renal artery thrombosis is a very rare complication of abdominal trauma which occurs especially in young people, after car accidents, with an increasing incidence in the last few years. There are about 400 reported cases in the literature[1], meaning less than 0.08% of all reported abdominal traumas and being found in 1-4% of patients with renal damage[2]. [...]

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How Complicated a Complicated Case Can Become?

The incidence of work related injuries is high worldwide. More than 300 million accidents happen during work and are responsible for almost 2 millions of deaths. The incidence of crush syndrome is 2-15% in all trauma patients and frequently can determine trauma-related amputations, especially if the lower limb is involved and the main mechanism is crushing. Crush syndrome is the systemic manifestation of rhabdomyolysis due to muscles reperfusion injury that happened when the compressive forces on the tissues are released, being of-ten related with occupational accidents[1]. [...]

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