The Journal of Bucharest College of Physicians and the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences

Dumitru Oraseanu

Dumitru Oraseanu

Can Complementary Feeding Patterns Influence Rapid Weight Gain in Infancy?

Current knowledge based on large randomized con-trolled trials documented so far that early protein intake from milk products, in the first six months of life, is associated with various changes in later outcomes regarding body weight or body composition [1,2]. Beyond the exclusive milk nutrition period, complementary fe-eding practices are less investigated in terms of obesity appearance [3]. Macronutrients supply in early life, such as carbohydrates and fats, do not seem to be implicated in later childhood obesity [4], whereas protein supply is much more studied in the present [5]. Due to rapid weight gain and body size evolution in first 3 years of life, nutritional requirements are high, but exceeding some normal ranges leads to future disturbances. [...]

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Bacterial Pneumonia in Children - Epidemiological Study on Nine Years

Pneumonia can be defined as an inflammation of the pulmonary parenchyma, mainly affecting the alveolar space. Inflammation can be caused by bacteria and viruses, as well as by inhalation of chemical agents or due to thoracic trauma (1,2,6).
Most authors classify bacterial pneumonias depending on the pathogenic agent, this classification including species of Pneumococcus, Hamophillus Influenzae, Klebsiella, Staphylococcus, Legionella and other gram-negative microorganisms. Some germs, especially Staphylococcus may be disseminated in a haematogenous manner.

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