The Journal of Bucharest College of Physicians and the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences

Cristina Nicoleta Cozma

Cristina Nicoleta Cozma

Economic Impact of Early Detection and Treatment of Skin Cancer on the Health Care System

Non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) ranks as the fifth most costly cancer to treat in the United States even though the mortality rate is not high [1].
In Romania, the dermatologist is the one who generally detects skin cancer, but any clinician, especially the primary care physician who has a constant connection with the patient, plays an important role in skin cancer detection. In the early detection stage, a good collaboration with the plastic surgeon permits the surgical excision of the tumour with oncologic safety margins and primary suture, resulting in minimal costs [2]. Unfortunately, a great number of patients involved in our study (>84%) showed up in more advanced stages which required a reconstructive method.

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Treatment Management of Bilateral Lower Eyelids Basal Cell Carcinomas with Total Lower Eyelid Reconstruction

Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is known as the most common type of skin cancer with a rapidly rising incidence, 90 % of the cases occurring in the head and neck region. (1) The eyelids are involved in 10% of these cases, making it the most prominent eyelid malignancy. (2) It predominantly affects fair-skin individuals, notably type I and II Fitzpatrick photo types, most of them presenting with a positive history of chronic sunlight exposure. Etiology may be multifactorial, but sun exposure has been involved in most of the cases. (3) Basal cell carcinomas arise from the basal layer of the epidermis, probably as a result of activating the proto-oncogenes and inactivating the suppressor genes in the keratinocytes. (4)

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