The Journal of Bucharest College of Physicians and the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences

Medicina Moderna - Modern Medicine is a fully open access, peer-reviewed, quarterly, multidisciplinary journal edited by Bucharest College of Physicians, Romania (EU Trade Mark No. 016848509 / 2017)

We are publishing original, review articles and case reports in all basic, clinical and experimental areas of human health.

Starting 2014 the journal is edited in English and the abstracts and key-words are both in English and Romanian. There is no publication fee for authors in Medicina Moderna- Modern Medicine.

Differences Ret-He, Reticulocyte, and Hemoglobin Levels Pre and Post Administration of Erythropoietin in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease Undergoing Hemodialysis

Background: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) patients undergoing hemodialysis usually undergo anemia condition. Calculation of hemoglobin and other hematological parameters such as Ret-he (Reticulocyte Hemoglobin) and reticulocytes along with Glomerulus Filtration Rate (GFR) calculations determine the stage of CKD. Erythropoietin (EPO) […]

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Assessment of the Level of Expression Activity and Localization of Cd-Receptors inthe Postmenopausal Period

The cervical mucosa (CM) is a critical site in the female reproductive system, but despite extensive histological studies in reproductive-age women, there is a notable gap in our understanding of the local immune homeostasis in postmenopausal women. This lack of […]

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Growth Failure in Thalassemia Major Patients in Samples of Iraqi Patients

Introduction: Thalassemia, a hereditary autosomal recessive blood disorder, arises from genetic abnormalities leading to a diminished synthesis rate of one of the globin chains constituting hemoglobin. The integration of transfusion and chelation therapies has significantly elongated the lifespan of individuals […]

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Evaluation of the Role of Two SNPs in MTHFR Gene Polymorphisms (rs1801133) 677 C>T and (rs 1801131) 1298A>C with Homocysteine Level in Iraqi Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease

Objectives: Objectives: The current study was designed to evaluate the role of MTHFR gene (rs1801133 and rs1801131) polymorphisms and investigate the serum Homocysteine level in Iraqi patients with CKD.Materials and Methods: Blood samples were collected from fifty CKD patients and […]

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Evaluation of the Role of Some microRNAs in Corona Virus-19 Infection in Sample of Iraqi Patients

Objectives: The study involving 20 SARS CoV patients found that elevated microRNA levels, specifically miR-23a overexpression and miR-195-F1gene downregulation, could serve as potential diagnostic factors for COVID-19 infections, potentially aiding in early detection.Materials and Methods: 20 patients suffered from coronavirus […]

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Differences Platelets Count, IL-6, Aldosterone Level and Fatty Liver Occurrence Between Obese and Non-Obese Adult Young Women

Background: Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) is common liver disease often found and occurs in community. Prevalence of liver disease (NAFLD) has risen rapidly along with an increase obesity incidence in women. Inflammation condition in obese condition causing an increase […]

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The Potential Benefits of Pegylated Erythropoietin in Lowering Anemia in Individuals with Chronic Kidney Disease

Background: The clinical debut of erythropoiesis-stimulating medicines (ESAs) radically altered anaemia care. The effect of erythropoietin (EPO), pegylated erythropoietin and mircera on anaemia in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients receiving continuous haemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, or no dialysis was studied in […]

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Prophylactic Oral Diazepam for Pediatric Epilepsy Patients with Fever-Triggered Episodes

Introduction: Epilepsy is a long-standing brain disorder struck by a persistent propensity to have seizures that are not caused by any instant injury to the central nervous system. It also involves numerous consequences on cognition, the brain’s biology, psychology, and […]

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ISSN-online 2360-2473
ISSN-L 1223-0472
ISSN-print 1223-0472


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 Scipio of UEFISCDI


CME Credits: 10
(Romanian College of Physicians) 

GHP – Healthcare and Pharmaceutical -2020 Leading Medical Science Journal.
