The Journal of Bucharest College of Physicians and the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences

Dyslipidemia in Internally Displaced Middle-aged Women in Kharkiv Duringthe War


Background. Kharkiv is a hub for internally displaced persons (IDPs). The impact of war on general health in perimenopausal women is still a challenging issue. The study was focused on the detection of possible relationships between metabolic disorders in IDPs and residents among perimenopausal women in Kharkiv.
Methods. In total 82 patients were enrolled in the descriptive cross-sectional study. The number of Kharkiv’s residents was 42, and the IDP’s number was 40. The variables of body mass index (BMI) and menopausal Cooperman’s score were determined after inclusion in the study. All selected women were tested for serum lipids. The atherogenic index (AI), which is the logarithm of atherogenic (triglycerides) and antiatherogenic (high-density lipoprotein cholesterol) fractions of cholesterol, was also calculated. The levels of glycemia and insulin were detected with subsequent calculation of the HOMA index. C-reactive protein (C-RP) as a marker of chronic inflammation was investigated. Results. The values of BMI, Cooperman’s score, НОМА index, insulin, glucose, and C-RP did not reveal any statistical distinction between subgroups of the study population. Some variables of lipid metabolism differed between kharkovites and IDPs. The results of the multivariate regression model with IDP sign showed a statistically significant relationship with AI. Conclusion. The enhanced atherogenicity was typical for perimenopausal women among IDPs in Kharkiv. This peculiarity could be used as an initial stage in future research on advanced health programs during wartime.